16 December 2008

Apa Jenis Darah Korunk?

Tetiba aku minat nak belajar ciri-ciri personaliti seseorang melalui jenis darah. Minat nak tahu bermula bila baca artikel tentang sikap fanatik rakyat Jepun terhadap jenis darah diorunk untuk tentukan halatuju hidup masing-masing termasuklah semasa nak cari pasangan hidup.

Menarik gak artikel dalam Berita Minggu ahad lepas. Ni ade penerangan serba sedikit pasal macam mana bermulanya penemuan kajian personaliti seseorang melalui jenis darah yang aku cari di wikipedia.

There is a popular belief in Japan that a person's ABO blood type or ketsueki-gata (血液型) is predictive of their personality, temperament, and compatibility with others, similar to the Western world's astrology. This belief has carried over to some extent in other parts of East Asia such as South Korea.[1]
Ultimately deriving from ideas of historical scientific racism, the popular belief originates with publications by Masahiko Nomi in the 1970s. The scientific community dismisses such beliefs as superstition or pseudoscience.
Ada paham? Kalau tak paham....buat2 paham jer la. Tak pun rajin-rajinkan diri buka kamus. Kui kui kui...

Jadi, pada sesiapa yang tahu jenis darah masing-masing, boleh la tengok kat bawah ni apa personaliti korunk. Nak percaya ke tidak, terpulang pada diri masing-masing. Ni sekadar nak beri pengetahuan yang kadang-kadang kita tak perasan apa sebenarnya personaliti diri kita sendiri. Kalau yang baik, jadikan panduan..kalau ade yang tak baik, kita jadikan sempadan dan cuba perbaiki mulai sekarang.

Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut, korunk leh la ke laman web wikipedia, lepas tu taip "Blood types in Japanese culture", akan keluar banyak info yang menarik tentang sikap dan perangai seseorang mengikut jenis darah mereka.

Jenis darah aku...."be positive"..kui kui kui.....ade yang betul, ade gak yang aku sangsi..tapi dah nama pun kajian saintifik kan? jadi...mungkin saintis dah pernah buat kajian atau pemerhatian bertahun-tahun pada berjuta-juta manusia, aku percaya je la...hehehe..

Ha...ni ada carta ringkas tentang sifat-sifat baik dan buruk seseorang mengikut jenis darahnya.

Blood type A:
The Perfectionist

Positive qualities:
Reserved, Patient, Sensitive, Responsible and Punctual.

Negative qualities:
Obsessive, Stubborn, Conservative and Tense.

A is most compatible with blood types A and AB.

Famous people with the same blood type:
George H. W. Bush, O.J. Simpson, Britney Spears, Alan Alda, Adolf Hitler, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon.

Blood type AB:
The Rationalist

Positive qualities:
Popular, Sociable, Cool and Controlled.

Negative qualities:
Forgetful, Critical, Indecisive, Irresponsible and Self-centered.

AB is compatible with all other blood types. (A, B, AB, and O)

Famous people with the same blood type:
John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Mick Jagger, Thomas Edison, Jackie Chan.

Blood type O:
The Natural Leader

Positive qualities:
Ambitious, Trendsetter, Independent, Loyal, Athletic, Robust, Passionate and Self-confident.

Negative qualities:
Arrogant, Vain, Jealous, Insensitive and Ruthless.

O is most compatible with blood types AB and O.

Famous people with the same blood type:
Ronald Reagan, Queen Elizabeth II, John Lennon, Paul Newman, Elvis Presley, Gerald Ford, Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Capone.

Personaliti aku adalah begini....hehehe...

Blood type B:
The Individualist

Positive qualities:
Creative, Passionate, Strong, Animal loving, Optimistic and Flexible.

Negative qualities:
Wild, Unsociable, Critical, Indecisive, Unpredictable and Unforgiving.

B is most compatible with blood types B and AB.

Famous people with the same blood type:
Jack Nicholson, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Selleck, Mia Farrow, Paul McCartney, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Fakta yang amat menarik untuk dikongsi dengan korunk semua.....aku terjumpa penyataan di bawah ni masa tengah surf pasal topik ni....cuba fikir, apa kata kalau boss kita buat benda yang sama kat opis kita?? huhuhu....

However, the idea of personality traits being influenced by blood type remains. Companies in Japan even had divided workers by blood type.

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Awak hantar komen? Awak sangat 'awesome' ! Terima kasih.... :)