20 December 2013

Diet Diabetis Untuk PCOS

20 Disember 2013.

Kebiasaannya, mereka yang menghidapi penyakit PCOS dikaitkan dengan insulin resistance. Ni dilampirkan artikel yang mengaitkan PCOS dengan insulin resistance.

What causes polycystic ovary syndrome?

The exact cause is not totally clear. Several factors probably play a part. These include the following:

Insulin is a chemical (hormone) that you make in a gland behind your stomach (the pancreas). The main role of insulin is to control your blood sugar level. Insulin acts mainly on fat and muscle cells, causing them to take in sugar (glucose) when your blood sugar level rises. Another effect of insulin is to act on the ovaries to cause them to produce the male hormone testosterone.

Women with PCOS have what is called insulin resistance. This means that cells in the body are resistant to the effect of a normal level of insulin. More insulin is then produced to keep the blood sugar normal. This raised level of insulin in the bloodstream is thought to be the main underlying reason why PCOS develops. It causes the ovaries to make too much testosterone. A high level of insulin and testosterone interfere with the normal development of follicles in the ovaries. As a result, many follicles tend to develop but often do not develop fully. This causes problems with ovulation - hence, period problems and reduced fertility.

It is this increased testosterone level in the blood that causes excess hair growth on the body and thinning of the scalp hair.

Increased insulin also contributes towards weight gain.

Sumber Rujukan : http://www.patient.co.uk/health/polycystic-ovary-syndrome

Masa tahun 2012 dulu, masa berat badan aku naik sampai 80.6kg, doktor OnG sampai rujukkan aku ke klinik dietetik GH Melaka. Temujanji aku ke klinik Dietetik tak lama, salah satu sebab aku tak jumpa lagi semangat dan cara untuk turunkan berat badan.

Aku tahu niat doktor OnG tu memang baik dan betul, apa yang dia cakap pun betul. Macam mana nak hamil kalau berat badan sedia ada tinggi, nanti kalau hamil ada naik berbelas malah berpuluh kilo? Lepas bersalin, ada kemungkinan berat badan tak turun banyak mana pun.

Nasib baik buku panduan diet untuk diabetis yang aku dapat dari klinik Dietetik ni masih dalam simpanan, senang nak buat rujukan. Nak lagi senang, aku letak terus di sini, untuk rujukan semua juga.

Nota : Untuk lebih jelas, sila klik pada gambar ye!

Kesimpulannya, diet diabetik ni diet yang paling bagus untuk membantu kita menurunkan berat badan dan mengurangkan simptom PCOS. Memasak dengan teknik rebus, panggang dan kukus paling digalakkan bagi mengelak kebergantungan kepada teknik memasak secara mengoreng dengan minyak.


  1. terima kasih sharing.. saya pun ada pcos

    1. Sama-sama Nazifa.....ilmu untuk dikongsikan dan manfaat bersama...


Awak hantar komen? Awak sangat 'awesome' ! Terima kasih.... :)